Stéphanie Sagot

Love, earth, ocean, cosmos
“Artist, teacher – researcher at university, lover of the earth and the ocean, daughter and granddaughter of oyster farmers, I am committed to the tenderness and care that we can give to these elements, in situated practices connecting other lovers of life. By infiltrating reality to the test of domination, I investigate subjects relating to ecofeminism, the peasantry and agricultural policies. Thus, I founded and directed (2004-2016) the La cuisine art center, focusing on food and agriculture, where I implemented a poetics of the city. As an associated artist, I then produced a program there on Seeds composed of various ecotopic experiments. Within my duo Becquemin & Sagot, we imagine a new Cosmocene Era.

Co-founder with Suzanne Husky of Le Nouveau Minsitère de l’Agriculture (the New Ministry of Agriculture), we work in a critique of agricultural policies and dream of fruitful transformations. Since 2023, I continue this adventure alone, seeking to re-engage a loving Eco-sensitivity through a dreamlike topographical practice intimately linked to my practices of meditation and trance."

Elements de langage : les actes, Nouveau Ministère de l'Agriculture (Suzanne Husky et Stéphanie Sagot) depuis 2022
watercolors on paper, 42 × 42 cm
Sagot´s work is presented in various art centers and contemporary art museums in France (Palais de Tokyo, Hôtel de de la Monnaie in Paris, CRAC de Sète, MRAC de Sérignan, Fondation Ricard in Paris, MOCO Montpellier, 104 in Paris , Friche Belle de Mai in Marseille, Maison des arts de Malakoff, Galerie Duchamp in Yvetot, CAC Chapelle Saint Jacques in Saint Gaudens, CAC Le Lait and at the Scène Nationale d’Albi, CAC Les tanneries in Amily, Ferme du Buisson, CAC Pallet truck in Bourges, CAC Le Point commun in Annecy, FRAC Occitanie Les Abattoirs.

Abroad she has exhibited at the Elysée Museum in Lausanne, at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Frankfurt, at the Laune Galery in Tokyo, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima (Peru), at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Mar del Plata (Argentina), at the Etagi Loft in Saint Petersburg, at the Ya Gallery in kyiv and in various French Institutes (Buenos Aires, Rio, Hanoi, Manila, Mumbai, Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul).
Stéphanie Sagot is presented in collaboration with Institut français de Norvège.