Iselin Linstad Hauge

Iselin Linstad Hauge lives in the forest north of Oslo, and works with film, text, photography and performance. She holds an MFA in film from HDK Valand, the University of Gothenburg, a BFA in fine arts from the Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo and has studied acting at the European Film College in Denmark.
“At the core of my work is the complex relationship between humans and animals, and how aesthetic preferences influence which animal species are sought after, preserved, and valued. Over the past ten years, I have visited dozens of farms and agricultural production facilities, to observe how industrial livestock farming contributes to the alienation of animals as living, sentient individuals. Recordings from these visits are often a starting point for conversations with experts in animal ethics, environmental science, and ecology, which then feeds back into the production of my artwork.
Iselin Linstad Hauges website.

In recent years, my exploration has developed to include more formal relationships between the body and the definition of life in various biological forms: internal and external surfaces, pulse and movement, and similarities across habitats and species. Additionally, I have begun a collaboration with the interdisciplinary composer and musician Simen Korsmo Robertsen. Together, we created “Gill breathing and a sense of smell”, an immersive one-night event combining film, performance and live music specifically for Kunstnernes Hus Cinema."
Artist statement by Iselin Linstad Hauge.

Linstads work has been exhibited in galleries and museums such as Hors Pistes at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Nordic Outbreak in New York, Arctic Arts Festival in Harstad, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen, Drammens Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Oslo, among others.

Her latest solo project was a film screening with live music and performance at Kunstnernes Hus Cinema called “Gill breathing and a sense of smell”. In 2023 she starred as the lead actress in the feature film “Voice” by Ane Hjort Guttu, which premiered at CPH:DOX and was showed nationally in Norwegian cinemas.
Since 2009, she has been a co-editor and publisher of the nordic art publication Spesial Nord.