Pawel Stypula and Dep.Artment

“I explore the essence of The Dep.artment in Tøyen, Oslo.
Since 2019, this former home and studio of Ole Sjølie (1923–2015) has been evolving into a manifestation of future living, that is guided by my multidisciplinary experience and collective support. The place where I live transforms into a residency, pop-up gallery and research space where positive future scenarios are tested and developed on site. Here, biology blends with art, and technology. While taking care of Sjølie’s legacy, I’m envisioning a "dialogue of the past with the future”.
Rather than dwelling on the negative, this space encourages visitors to participate and explore the potential for positive change through creative solutions in practice and innovative thinking. It is a breathing experience and a love letter to relational aesthetics.

Dep.artment is an evolving initiative primarily focused on adapting existing apartments in densely populated areas into “Try-How” showrooms of the future. One of its key focuses has been food-related practices based on intuitive processes and community creation.
In 2022 i founded The Porridge Club with the series of oat-breakfasts where farmers could meet artificial intelligence experts, spice up the porridge with mealworms while simultaneously getting a tattoo. Current research involves developing DIY, second-hand home laboratories for biotextiles, energy, and food production."
Artist statement by Pawel Stypula.