Ida Madsen Følling

Ida Madsen Følling (b. 1983) holds a master degree from Oslo Academy of Fine Art (2013.) The expression in here drawings deals with different understandings of time, from creation and pre-language to modernism and the image-flood of the information technologies.
The often large, colourful drawings are placed in spatial installations that both encompasses and puts its viewers into motion. Her work can be interpreted as aesthetic quotes of the 20s centuries modernism combined with ancient, classical and pop-cultural elements. It proposes the idea of a collective artistic vocabulary that transcends a specific period or category. As a natural extension of this studio based practice, Følling deals with art as collective effort through several collective projects and exhibitions.
Følling had her first solo show, Restless Fixtures, at Elephant Kunsthall, Lillehammer, in 2017. She has also been shown at Sandefjord kunstforening, Kunstmuseet KUBE, Ålesund, Autocenter, Berlin and One Night Only, Oslo. Upcoming projects includes the Drawing Triennial 2019 at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, a solo show at Podium, Oslo in 2020, and the collective exhibition project A Collective Chaosmos in collaboration with artist Markus Li Stensrud at Kunsthall Oslo in 2020.

Følling has held a position at the boards of different art organisations: The Drawing Society as a board member (2014-17), NBK (the Norwegian Artist Union) as deputy chair (2017-19), and from June 2019 she’s the deputy chair at UKS (Young Artists Society). In her artistic practice she has been working with projects that puts art production at the center of a urban eco system, and that thematizes urbanism, art production and liberalistic city development trends.
In the collective exhibition project A Collective Effort for Lost Causes at Podium, Oslo in 2013, 70 artists participated with a drawing of their actual or ideal studio space. The project was continued with a pamphlet with texts about city development and artist economy, written by artists and theorists. The pamphlet was launched at the seminar Boms eller protagonist? Kunstnernes plass i fremtidens by (Hobo or Protagonist? The Artists Place in The Future City) in 2016, organized in collaboration with artist Ingrid Lønningdal and UKS (Young Artists Society). The seminar established a basis of knowledge for UKS’s further development of their artist residence project. Since being appointed deputy chair at UKS in June 2019, she has been in charge of this project.