Elin Már Øyen Vister

Elin Már Øyen Vister is occupied with listening and sensing as life practice and as a way to compose, sense, and experience the world, much inspired by Pauline Oliveros´s Deep Listening.
Elin Már has invited Lina Salomonsen Sjølie, Máret Rávdna Buljo and Torgeir Norkild to the sesory walk;
Listening in the footsteps of Ane Truls, is a sensory walk through cultural heritage sites of Kabelvåg / Gábelváhke, that can be understood as an artistic response or dialogue with The Truth and Reconciliation Commission´s report.
Elin Már is concerned with how “the personal is political”, rooted in the local, but simultaneously sensing the global and cosmic perspectives. They are occupied with how a place and all its habitants (human/non-human/ mineral/plant/ insect etc) continuously and simultaneously relate back and forth in time; layers of stories; trauma and joy side by side.
Their ongoing relations with people, creatures, land/sea and time/space, are the source of historic, sensory, and emotional context to be able to co-create works that reflect on -and relate to the socio-political and nature-culture stories of there, and they guide them to find the form; how can we tell this story, care for, potentially contribute to healing and speak to these layers of tensions?
Már’s work wishes to break with Western patriarchal hegemonic narratives that have placed the human being in the center and instead focuses on the landscape’s innate stories and knowledge, and indebted to and informed by intersectional, indigenous, eco-queer and feminist and pluriversal thinking-feeling.