Sveinung Rudjord Unneland

A fully functional kitchen, built as scenography by Sveinung Rudjord Unneland for Ane Hjort Guttus film Manifesto (2020) inspired by Joy Forum.
A fully functional kitchen, built as scenography by Sveinung Rudjord Unneland for Ane Hjort Guttus film Manifesto (2020) inspired by Joy Forum.

Sveinung Rudjord Unneland is an independent artist living in Bergen. His is founder of the artist run gallery Joy Forum (2018-2022) and co-found of the studio collective the unfinished institution (2022-).

Between 2012-2018 he worked as assistant professor at the Art Academy in Bergen. Since graduation in 2007 he has exhibited considerable, in addition to be active in several artistic collaborations. His practice includes the work as abstract painter, writer, organizer, curator, publisher and scenographer for film and theater.

Websites related to Unnelads work
Kitchen Conversations

The secret kitchen with doors closed. Built for the film Manifesto by Ane Hjort Guttu (2020)
The secret kitchen with doors closed. Built for the film Manifesto by Ane Hjort Guttu (2020)

Unneland finished his Ph.D. in artistic research at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music, and Design, University of Bergen in autumn 2023. The project Urgent Affairs, Strange Empathy examined structural and architectural changes in art education, parallel with that it explored how to establish autonomous spaces and participatory practices within the institutional context as such.

Sveinung Rudjord Unneland
Sveinung Rudjord Unneland
Sveinung Rudjord Unneland, HI, 2024, 207 x 168 cm, acrylic on canvas. Installation photo from his solo exhibition NA, at Entrée, Bergen. Image a the courtesy of the artist.
Sveinung Rudjord Unneland, HI, 2024, 207 × 168 cm, acrylic on canvas. Installation photo from his solo exhibition NA, at Entrée, Bergen. Image a the courtesy of the artist.
Photo from Unnelands exhibition NA at Entrée, Bergen. Images at the courtesy of Entrée and the artist.
Photo from Unnelands exhibition NA at Entrée, Bergen. Images at the courtesy of Entrée and the artist.