Ragnhild Aamås

Dei levande søve, og dei døde har godt av å bli litt skremt / Maintenance sleep (2022). 

Sculpture, cast and found materials.

Materials: soap, salt,  soap substance, salt, food - approved transport boxes.

Dimensions: 30cmx11cmx13cm.
The sculptures were made for the exhibition Stein hard mjelk / Rock hard milk at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo, 2022.
Photo by Kunstdok/Istvan Virag.
Dei levande søve, og dei døde har godt av å bli litt skremt / Maintenance sleep (2022) Sculpture, cast and found materials. Materials: soap, salt, soap substance, salt, food - approved transport boxes. Dimensions: 30cmx11cmx13cm. The sculptures were made for the exhibition Stein hard mjelk / Rock hard milk at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo, 2022. Photo by Kunstdok/Istvan Virag.

In my work you’ll see sculpture, text, collage and sound. I have established a way of working and a body of work that particularly looks at the effects of language and the capture of the writing system. I base myself on poor, commercial and found materials. Since I developed «Echo Cleans the Mirror Sore» for Kunsthall Stavanger over their archive in 2015, I have worked with institutional archives on several occasions. Latest in a series of sonic microessays for Kunstnerforbundet in 2023. I’m attracted to an investigative form that branches into and interweaves written and visual materials.

Ragnhild Aamås. Photo by 
IJ T. HIVAND / Studio Hivand
Ragnhild Aamås. Photo by
IJ T. HIVAND / Studio Hivand

Rather than using the default in the order we live under – the individual – I look to the ‘divid’, and let it stand for a dismembered kind of negative subject that searches for cracks to worry in. I’m currently learning more about the work of Italian artist Anne-Marie Sauzeau-Boetti, and Norwegian Kristina Bræin).

In addition to solo work, I’m part of the artist group infopsin, with Ayat Tuleubek, Ignas Krunglevicius og Istvan Virag. During 2014-2021 I was co-directing the artist run space Podium Oslo. I also write about art for moneys. And I’m freshly elected chair of the board at UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund / Young Artists’ Society.

Dei levande søve, og dei døde har godt av å bli litt skremt / Maintenance sleep (2022). Sculpture, cast and found materials.
Materials: soap, salt, soap substance, salt, food - approved transport boxes.
Dimensions: 30cmx11cmx13cm.
The sculptures were made for the exhibition Stein hard mjelk / Rock hard milk at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo, 2022.
Photo by KFB/Tveter.
Dei levande søve, og dei døde har godt av å bli litt skremt / Maintenance sleep (2022).
Sculpture, cast and found materials.
Materials: soap, salt, soap substance, salt, food – approved transport boxes. Dimentions: 30cmx11cmx13cm. The sculptures were made for the exhibition Stein hard mjelk / Rock hard milk at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo, 2022.
Photo by KFB/Tveter.