Kristin Tårnes STUDIO VISIT
Location: KYSTEN
Date 29.09.2022
Artist Statement
After I finished my MA degree at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts, I moved to Tromsø, in the opposite direction of most of my classmates. Ever since I moved here in 2011 I have worked directly the place where I live in different ways. I have done projects which emerged from specific places like a small forgotten garden, the last remaining industry in the city center of Tromsø, a potentially cursed museum and a former museum almost falling apart.
This has resulted in for example an outdoor exhibition, public events like serving soup made from a local plant, publications in addition to films. The last years I have worked mainly with film, and the two latest works is filmed in a way so that it gives the audience a feeling of moving through the place while you get a glimpse of some of the stories related to it.
I have also been very interested in contributing to the development of the art scene in Tromsø, and have among other things previously been involved in the artist run space Kurant for several years, and initiated the studio collective TKF-Loftet above Tromsø kunstforening.
Muségata 2 (utdrag) from Kristin Tårnes on Vimeo.